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“Before you diagnose yourself with low self-esteem or anxiety, first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by idiots”, Sigmund Freud
We can all believe it is them! However, on occasion, we will all act in an emotionally unintelligent way. We then promise ourselves to be less aroused, pay more attention and act like the outstanding people we admire. Research, however, has shown that star performers not only incorporate emotional factors but actually embrace them. They leverage their Emotional Capital intelligently to achieve “well-lived lives in well-led” organisations performing well above the benchmarks.
Emotional and Social Intelligence has long passed from ‘management fad’ status to being recognised as a key positive driver in business success. There is a ripple effect; those who build the right levels of Emotional Capital will create an effective work climate that will further develop and enhance others that they work with. Top tier organisations that invest employees with a high asset balance of emotional capital create star performers that operate “in the zone” for most of the time.
Pre work for this programme will include A self-assessment of your Emotional Capital, articles to read and a case study to prepare.